Saturday, July 31, 2010


We have several pets from birds to lizards to hamsters to fish to dogs. Our dog, Sable was the first, rescued from the local shelter. She's a beautiful little dog, but she did not have an easy life. We were told she was crated 16 hours a day. Then she didn't take well to the shelter. She was eight pounds underweight on a thirty pound body. But we were excited to take her home to our house with the fenced-in back yard. Perfect we thought. The reality was something less. Sable would pause at the fence, put her paws on it, leap to the top and over the fence. Once free, she would lead us on a merry chase. Sometimes she would be tempted to return with cheese or bologna but mostly not. Neighbors would bring her home. So I got the longest lead I could get and whenever she needed to go outside, she would be clipped to the lead. I felt so guilty that she still didn't have the freedom she deserved. It was during this time that I wrote "Dog in the Dappled Light" sitting outside with me on the deck. With the entrance of Dan and his larger dog, Bell, we decided to have a privacy fence built. Now she runs and plays with Bell in our big, safe back yard.

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