Sunday, July 15, 2012

the best medicine

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ~Victor Borge

So, how do you refer to the blessing of laughter? break up, bust a gut, chortle, chuckle, convulsed, crack up, crow, giggle, guffaw, in stitches, laugh, lol, rolling in the aisles, snicker, split one's sides, titter.

 Did you know that laughter is actually good for the heart?  Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow.  Maybe that's why we fall in love with those who make us laugh.

One of my husband's most endearing characteristics is the ability to make people laugh. He also has a young heart and has no problem being silly. It is also why he connects so well with the kids he works with.  It is something I try to bring to my special needs classroom.  Seems laughter, like love, is a universal language. Laughter binds us together and gives us an opportunity to see things with a new perspective.

Have you tried to not laugh at times?  Doesn't it seem that the harder you try not to laugh, the more you really laugh?  Watch children, their natural behavior is to seek fun, enjoy life and laugh.  We should too.  Laughter releases endorphins. Endorphins give us a feeling of well being and relaxes us.  So, why oh why would we ever not want to laugh?  

So, go ahead, bridge a gap, lighten a heart, feel good, relieve some stress, connect.  Laugh.

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