Wednesday, August 22, 2012

all there is

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~Carl Sandburg

Last night I spent a great evening with my daughter. At her invitation, we had a girl's night out. We bought some supplies for college classes. We went to the local resale shop so she could find some blazers to wear, updating her wardrobe to something youthful yet a bit more sophisticated. A bite of dinner and a movie, "Hope Springs". How very precious were those few hours spent with my baby girl.  And yes, I still call her my baby girl even though she is eighteen and a young woman grown. How quickly those years have flown.

Time, how we cherish it. dread it, curse it. And claim that there is never enough. When we love what we are doing then time flies. As if joy were just a fleeting thing. Yet, when we are involved in something not of our liking, how the minutes drag. Toe tapping, this is taking forever. All we can think of is something, anything other than what we are doing. There is never enough time. All I have is time on my hands.

And there is only one truth. We are all given the same number of minutes in the day. It is our choice how we fill them. We are not, however, given the same number of days to enjoy this journey here on earth. But we have a choice on how we greet them. The time we are given here is our blessing: to love the people around us, to learn, explore, laugh.

I do know life is too short for regrets. Time spent there is indeed wasted. Do not bemoan the day because it was misused. Rejoice in the day well spent, for it is a blessing.

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