Thursday, December 10, 2009

Letter To My Unborn Child (excerpt)

From that childhood and from living alone. I feel I've discovered many truths.

1. You hold the boundaries of your life in your own hands. You can expand and reach as far as you want.
2. Happiness is in your own mind. No one else can make you happy.
3. Your age is a state of mind. I don't think you're old until you give up. I've know some young 90 year olds and some old 30 year olds.
4. Love is an amazing thing. You can give some out to everyone and still have more.
5. Hugs and kisses can heal many wounds.
6. "I'm sorry" means you sympathize with another's feelings. "I apologize" means you take blame for hurting someone. Don't be afraid to say, "I'm sorry".
7. Give some of your talents back. To the community, to the church, to the earth.
8. Keep your promises, especially to children. They are most fragile.
9. Look at each person as an individual. Not because of the color of skin or nationality or religion. Each person is a precious gem or a lump of coal because of the choices that individual made. But remember, even a lump of coal has value.
10. Learn to love nature. I've found great peace watching the sunrise over a small stream. The sunset, wildflowers, fragrances, textures, colors, animals. All the glory is there for free.
11. Don't intentionally hurt anyone. It's amazing how much pain you can inflict accidentally.
12. I don't leave this until last because it is least important. It is probably most important. Put your faith in God. He is there for you always, but in time of need, He has the best shoulder to lean on. He has made me stronger than I every thought I could be.

I love you, my little one.


Your Mom

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