Thursday, July 26, 2012

of bottle caps and comfortable shoes

While we were in New Orleans, my husband bought a lottery ticket, something he has not done in the five years I have known him.  The payoff would have been huge but not as big as the odds against his winning. He told the kids if he won, he would pay for a mission trip to Alaska next year.  He did not win, of course, the odds stacked against him so high.  And this would have been one of those obvious blessings. But I will write no more today about things that weren't to be.

But I will return to small things that bless us. Not so much that those are the same things that bless you, but for you to view your world a bit differently.

I used to be a big Diet Coke drinker.  When I awoke, I could hardly wait for the burn of the soda as it moved down my throat.  I am smart enough to know it was not healthy for me but I was unable to give it up. Not until this year that is.  I gave Diet Coke up for Lent. I have not bought a case since then.

The problem that created was that I no longer had the codes I eagerly put into my computer to gain prizes.  You may think that silly, but the soda was something I already bought so why not I say.  After I built up my points, I trade them in for restaurant gift certificates.  And now it takes a much longer time for me to build up my points. So when the kids find bottle caps at the ball field, I am especially grateful because it puts us closer to a special dinner.

Also while in New Orleans, my right foot started hurting terribly.  We had to do a lot of walking and any time I put weight of my foot, it was incredibly painful. I went to the orthopedist as soon as we returned and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. The pain is nearly nonexistent with the new tennis shoes and inserts I had to buy.

Now bottle caps and comfortable shoes might sound pretty inconsequential, but they bless me. I may have to wait, but trying a new or favorite restaurant with my family for less means we get a special treat and quality time together.  And comfortable shoes?  Well, it is indeed a blessing to walk without constant pain.

It is so easy to see those large blessings like winning the lottery. You might call it a miracle, a wonder or a phenomenon. But life is so much more enjoyable if you take off the blinders and recognize the everyday blessings. When you recognize the everyday blessings for what they are, how much easier it is to share them with another.

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